
Thu 04 Sep 2025 08:00 — Sun 07 Sep 2025 20:00
Eagles Sports Complex 109 Weedon Street W, Mansfield Queensland, 109 Weedon Street W, Mansfield Queensland 4122

Event information

Registrations for this event are not yet open. Entries open at Mon 14 Jul 2025 06:00.

2025 Qld ELITE state titles

* Boxers * competition Headguards must be approved * All athletes must have a current serolory report.

$40.00 NOMINATION FEE FOR ALL ENTRANTS - Boxers who nominate but do not advise withdrawal will be penalised.

COACHES - You must display your Boxing Australia Coaches Card and your Blue Card, if you have not received these please contact Boxing Queensland immediately - This must be sorted no less than 2 weeks out from the tournament, we will not attempt to push these through. If you do not have your blue card you will not be permitted to corner your athlete.

This event is open to BOXING QUEENSLAND registered BOXERS ONLY

FEMALE Boxers - Will be required to complete a non pregnancy form, this form will be available at weigh in.


All weight classes will be in accordance with World boxing divisions.

* potential Olympic weight divisions

Male - 47-50kg, *55kg, *60kg, *65kg, *70kg, 75kg, *80kg, 85kg, *90kg, 90kg+

Female - 45-48kg, *51kg, *54kg, *57kg, *60kg, *65kg, *70kg, *75kg, 80kg, 80kg+

When nominating please nominate in your weight category, not your actual weight ie; if you are youth, male & weigh 71.4kg you are in the 75kg weight division. You must weigh in on or under your nominated weight division.

Boxers who compete with soft contact lenses or orthodonic braces must have releases filled out and should have these for all competitions.

If you have any queries please contact Boxing Queensland for further details