
Elite World Championship BQ Nominations
Boxing Qld Novice Titles 4,5,6 April | 12th April - No Deal if required | 26th April - Burleigh Fightklub if required

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Boxing Qld will be holding selction Bouts during the month of April to select a Qld team to compete in the Boxing Australia selection event (MAY 27th) for the Elite World Boxing championships in September.

Last years state champions are an automatic selection, however are open to challenge as are all weight divisions.

Weight divisions are as per World Boxing weights.

Boxers must meet the minimum bout criteria:

  • Male - 10 bouts - must be visible in your Blue competition book
  • Female - 7 bouts - must be visible in your Blue competition book
    • Competition Sparring & Exhibitions excluded.

All Boxers must have a full current Serology report dated within the last 12 months - the serology section in your blue book must be signed or a copy of the BQ serology form stapled to the back cover.

All Boxers must have the medical signed and completed in the front of their blue books current within the last 12 months.

All athletes must be an Australian citizen and be able to obtain an Australian passport.

When nominating you will be asked to download your current full serology report (from the Dr) and the date you completed your medical.

You must have a current up to date photo (head shot)

All women to complete a NON pregnancy form prior to competition. click the link below