AGM Notice for 2020

Published Mon 01 Jun 2020

Notice of Annual General Meeting - Boxing Queensland


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Boxing Queensland will be held in Brisbane on Monday 22 June 2020, details as follow:

MEETING: Zoom Meeting, details to be provided

TIME: 7:00pm

The objects of the meeting are:

1. An election for the position of three (3) committee members as per clause 12.3 (c) of the Boxing Queensland Inc constitution.

Committee members will serve a two (2) year term.


  1. Welcome by President
  2. Recording of Members Present
  3. Apologies
  4. Confirmation of Minutes from the previous year's Annual General Meeting
  5. Business arising from the minutes
  6. Presidents Report
  7. Secretary's Report
  8. Audited Financial Statement & Balance Sheet
  9. Election of Committee Members, nominations have been received from:
  • Chris Evers
  • Allan Nicolson
  • Stephen Pitt
  • Jay Toope


Please note voting will be by preference ballot.

Proxy votes are allowed and a proxy vote form is available for download on the Boxing Queensland website under the 'Forms' tab, emails that clearly state that the financial member wishes to assign a proxy will also be accepted. Emails are to be sent to the secretary of Boxing Queensland.

If you have any queries please feel free to contact the secretary of Boxing Queensland at any time.

Email of secretary:

Kind regards,

Ann Tindall