Club Affiliation
Published Mon 10 Aug 2020
Attention Coaches
This weekend see's BQ return to Competition Boxing after what has been a very uncertain year for all of us.
We have seen a great response to this weekends event, however there are a number of clubs that have not formerly affiliated through the correct process online.
All clubs that were affiliated in 2019 are still active in the system which allows the club to come up as an option when athletes go online to register.
It's a requirement that athletes register through an affiliated club. Those athletes who have registered/nominated under a club that is not affiliated will not be able to fight until the club is affiliated. We will be sending emails out today to all clubs that have not affiliated as yet 2020.
All clubs and athletes must be financial.
If you have any questions or beleive you have paid your affiliation please don't hesitate to contact us, also have your payment receipt so we can follow it up to see what has happened and why it hasn't registered.
Kind Regards
Sam O'Malley
Boxing Qld