Queensland Tournaments to move to Pre-Match Only

Published Wed 27 Mar 2019

Boxing Queensland will be moving to nominations for ALL tournaments. All names to be provided before 12:00 noon on the Tuesday before the tournament.
By waiting until the Monday night/ Tuesday morning you know who has turned up for training and is available for the tournament.
Nominations will be online on the Boxing Queensland website, this is already well utilised for titles. Simply go to the EVENTS tab and click register - events will open for nominations 12 days before the tournament and will close on the Tuesday before each tournament (non-title events only). We have opened the first for the Gold Coast PCYC Tournament so you can familiarise yourself with the process.
We will initially be putting all names and divisions on the Boxing Queensland Facebook page which will act as your virtual board and clubs will match with each other and advise us of approved matches. We will then be moving to a state matchmaker/s and ask for nominations if you believe this is a role that would suit you. Please apply by Monday 8 April by emailing secretary@boxingqueensland.com.